本实验室青年教师科研成果在国际著名期刊nature communications 发表
发布人:王昌书  发布时间:2017-09-13   浏览次数:899

本实验室青年教师科研成果在国际著名期刊nature communications 发表

时间:2016-9-13 作者:admin近日,本实验室青年教师朱本亮联合德国奥尔登堡大学张彦振博士,在国际著名学术期刊nature communications(影响因子11.329)上发表科研成果《Hydrodynamic dispensing and electrical manipulation of attolitre droplets》。Nature及其系列子刊等相关出版物均具有极高的影响因子,是自然基础科学各学科领域的核心刊物。


Paper name:

Hydrodynamic dispensing and electrical manipulation of attolitre droplets


Dispensing and manipulation of small droplets is important in bioassays, chemical analysis and patterning of functional inks. So far, dispensing of small droplets has been achieved by squeezing the liquid out of a small orifice similar in size to the droplets. Here we report that instead of squeezing the liquid out, small droplets can also be dispensed advantageously from large orifices by draining the liquid out of a drop suspended from a nozzle. The droplet volume is adjustable from attolitre to microlitre. More importantly, the method can handle suspensions and liquids with viscosities as high as thousands mPa s markedly increasing the range of applicable liquids for controlled dispensing. Furthermore, the movement of the dispensed droplets is controllable by the direction and the strength of an electric field potentially allowing the use of the droplet for extracting analytes from small sample volume or placing a droplet onto a pre-patterned surface.

Figure 1 Three regimes of droplet formation

Figure 2 Dispensed droplets and microcapsules